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Packs contains Plays from a specific collection. Get your Pack and open it, to reveal your Plays inside !
Every supporter is unique, with their own story. Each fan has their memories. Each spectator has their reasons. But you share more than just your passion or love for a jersey. You share a history—the history of your club. You all have a crazy play, a last-second try, a crucial tackle, a decisive drop kick in common. You experience the same joys, the same heartaches, the same hopes, and the same disappointments. This bond is what makes you a family. Legendary Plays brings you a new pack: your club, your team, your memories. Join your family. Collect, play, and win together!
It's true that every supporter is unique and has their own story. That every fan has their memories. That every spectator has their reasons. However, you share more than your passion or your love of a jersey. You share a story. That of your club. You all have in common a crazy action, a try from the end of the world, a capital tackle, a decisive drop by your team. You experience the same joys, the same sorrows, the same hopes and the same disappointments. It is this bond that makes you a family. Legendary Plays offers you a new pack: your club, your team, your memories. Join your family. Collect, play and win as a team!
It’s the first date you look for when the schedule is released… because this match is always special. This encounter is different. You think about it for days, sometimes weeks. It’s a moment anticipated by an entire stadium, an entire club, sometimes even an entire city. Yes, it’s the derby! Collect the best (and most intense) moments of these territorial rivalries, and help your club climb the ranks in the Fan Championship!
It’s the first date you look for when the schedule is released… because this match is always special. This encounter is different. You think about it for days, sometimes weeks. It’s a moment anticipated by an entire stadium, an entire club, sometimes even an entire city. Yes, it’s the derby! Collect the best (and most intense) moments of these territorial rivalries, and help your club climb the ranks in the Fan Championship!
How does a top-level athlete function? What goes through the mind of a player about to play in the Top 14 final? How do you give your all when it matters most?For Xmas, LegendaryPlays, the official Top 14 digital collection game, is offering you a special treat.By offering a pack of Plays to your friends, your family (or yourself), you're also offering the chance to take part in a unique conference, organized especially for enthusiasts, and hosted by a former player of the XV de France, to understand the secrets of top-level rugby.
Un bon manager, c'est clairement celui qui sait quels sont les vrais besoins de son équipe. Avec les packs "Head Coach", tu vas désormais pouvoir cibler ton recrutement, et combler les manques de ta formation. Faut-il recruter un deuxième ligne ou un centre ? Doit-on solidifier sa première ligne ou densifier son triangle arrière ? L'urgence est-elle de trouver un international à la charnière ou ce numéro 6 qui changerait tout ? Ou faut-il refaire toute votre équipe et recruter 15 nouveaux joueurs d'un coup ? Avec les packs Head Coach, vous allez désormais pouvoir gérer votre effectif comme un véritable entraineur du TOP 14. Et améliorer votre XV en fonction de vos envies !
Every supporter is unique, with their own story. Each fan has their memories. Each spectator has their reasons. But you share more than just your passion or love for a jersey. You share a history—the history of your club. You all have a crazy play, a last-second try, a crucial tackle, a decisive drop kick in common. You experience the same joys, the same heartaches, the same hopes, and the same disappointments. This bond is what makes you a family. Legendary Plays brings you a new pack: your club, your team, your memories. Join your family. Collect, play, and win together!
Every supporter is unique, with their own story. Each fan has their memories. Each spectator has their reasons. But you share more than just your passion or love for a jersey. You share a history—the history of your club. You all have a crazy play, a last-second try, a crucial tackle, a decisive drop kick in common. You experience the same joys, the same heartaches, the same hopes, and the same disappointments. This bond is what makes you a family. Legendary Plays brings you a new pack: your club, your team, your memories. Join your family. Collect, play, and win together!
What if, instead of relying on collective strength, you chose raw talent? What if, for once, you bet on the game-changer, the hero, the X-factor who transforms the entire team? To win big matches, you need great players. And that’s exactly what we’re offering with the "Internationals" pack. Strengthen your squad with the immediate impact of international stars from the league, such as Siya Kolisi, Josh Van der Flier, or Sebastian Negri. Whether they’re props or fly-halves, try adding three top-tier players to boost your score and take your game to the next level!
What if, instead of relying on collective strength, you chose raw talent? What if, for once, you bet on the game-changer, the hero, the X-factor who transforms the entire team? To win big matches, you need great players. And that’s exactly what we’re offering with the "Internationals" pack. Strengthen your squad with the immediate impact of international stars from the league, such as Antoine Dupont, Charles Ollivon, or Mathieu Bastareaud. Whether they’re props or fly-halves, French or not, try adding three top-tier players to boost your score and take your game to the next level!
C'est vrai que chaque supporter est unique et a sa propre histoire. Que chaque fan a ses souvenirs. Que chaque spectateur a ses raisons. Pourtant, vous partagez plus que votre passion ou votre amour d'un maillot. Vous partagez une histoire. Celle de votre club. Vous avez tous en commun une action de folie, un essai du bout du monde, un plaquage capital, un drop décisif de votre équipe. Vous vivez les mêmes joies, les mêmes peines, les mêmes espoirs et les mêmes déceptions. C'est ce lien qui fait de vous une famille. Legendary Plays te propose un nouveau pack : ton club, ton équipe, tes souvenirs. Rejoins ta famille. Collectionne, joue et gagne en équipe !
Voilà qu'arrive le temps de fêtes, et avec lui, celui du magnifique sapin, de la dinde aux marrons et des longues soirées d'hiver devant la cheminée, à boire du lait de poule en famille. Mais c'est aussi... L'époque des cadeaux ! Parce que le rugby, c'est le plaisir d'offrir et la joie de recevoir. Les offrandes dans l'en-but, les hommages en guise de présent, les ovations comme autant de souvenirs : pour cette collection, LegendaryPlays vous offre les plus beaux moments de partage du Top 14. L'au revoir de Rodrigo Capo Ortega, la passe de Hugo Bonneval pour le record de Vincent Clerc, le dernier essai d'Antonie Claassen ? Et bien tout ça, "c'est cadeau" !
Retrouve dans le pack Legends les 250 meilleurs joueurs de l’Histoire du TOP 14. Compose ton XV légendaire : celui des 15 plus beaux gestes, des moments les plus emblématiques, des plus grands joueurs ou du meilleur club, c'est TON histoire Crée ton XV de Légende ! Collectionne les Plays, complète ton album et tente d'accéder à des expériences inoubliables Packs disponibles : 3 Plays, 9 Plays ou 15 Plays
LegendaryPlays a décidé de t’offrir un moyen de les collectionner et ranger tes souvenirs et tes émotions. Ca s’appelle « My Legendary XV » ! Fabrique ton équipe avec les 250 meilleurs joueurs de l’Histoire du Top 14, les plus grandes stars, les plus beaux gestes.